Unveiling Evil-GPT: The Dark Side of AI Chatbots in Cybersecurity

Evil GPT

In July 2023, security researchers from Falcon Feeds made a significant discovery: they stumbled upon a new malicious AI chatbot known as Evil-GPT, which was being sold on a hidden corner of the internet called the darknet hacking forum. The vendor, using the name AMLO, asserted that Evil-GPT outshone another troublesome AI chatbot, WormGPT.

The Influence of Evil-GPT

Evil-GPT is distinct from the helpful AI chatbots you might be familiar with, as it’s designed for a darker purpose, including:

Crafting Malware and Harmful Code

Evil-GPT’s primary function is to assist in creating harmful software like computer viruses and malicious code, escalating the potential of cyberattacks.

Deceptive Phishing Emails

It also has the capability to generate fake emails that appear genuine, tricking individuals into divulging their personal information. This deceitful practice, known as phishing, becomes more accessible with the aid of Evil-GPT.

Manipulative Social Engineering

Imagine a computer program that masquerades as a real person, effectively manipulating individuals into performing inappropriate actions. Evil-GPT excels in such endeavors, automating and enhancing social engineering attacks.

Propagation of Misinformation and Propaganda

Evil-GPT can significantly amplify the dissemination of false information and misleading messages, thereby fostering confusion and chaos, particularly within online environments.

The Trade of Evil-GPT

What is even more concerning is that Evil-GPT is available for purchase by anyone willing to pay. This development highlights the fact that cybercriminals are increasingly embracing AI tools for their illicit activities. Evil-GPT serves as an exemplar of a new trend where AI is harnessed to amplify the potency and peril of cyberattacks.

A Glimpse into Evil-GPT

  • It uses the Python programming language and proves quite user-friendly.
  • It can craft different malicious content, from viruses to email scams, extracting sensitive data.
  • Its design prioritizes the anonymity of malevolent actors, making it challenging for law enforcement to track them down.
  • The price tag is astonishingly low, at just $10, rendering it accessible to a wide range of potential threat actors.

Collaborative Efforts for Safeguarding

To counteract the emerging cyber threats, cybersecurity experts must collaborate and pool their knowledge. Through the sharing of information and cooperative research, we can forge stronger defenses against these forms of attacks.

Anticipating Ethical Challenges

Beyond the technical concerns, ethical dilemmas arise in the realm of AI-powered cyber weaponry. Some argue against the creation of tools that cause harm, while others fear a competitive race to develop the most destructive AI tools.

As AI technology continues to progress, these ethical considerations become increasingly important. Open dialogues are necessary to address the responsible development and use of AI in these contexts.

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Other Malicious AI Chatbots

Evil-GPT isn’t alone in the realm of malicious AI chatbots. Several others have been discovered, including:

Implications for Our Security

The proliferation of AI-powered cyber weaponry poses a significant challenge to our digital security. As these tools grow more sophisticated and user-friendly, it becomes easier for malicious actors to launch devastating attacks.

To enhance our online safety:

  1. Adopt strong, unique passwords to safeguard your accounts.
  2. Keep your software and devices up to date to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  3. Exercise caution when encountering suspicious links in emails or messages.

The availability of Evil-GPT underscores the evolving landscape of cybercrime. As AI technology advances, the prospect of more sophisticated and hazardous cyberattacks looms on the horizon.


In a digital era marked by unprecedented advancements, the emergence of Evil-GPT sheds light on the darker side of AI chatbots. This malevolent creation, designed to facilitate cyber malice, underscores the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats. The ease of access, coupled with its potential for generating harmful code, deceptive emails, and manipulative tactics, paints a concerning picture of the future.

As we navigate this evolving cyber landscape, collaborative efforts among cybersecurity experts and the ethical considerations surrounding AI-powered weaponry become paramount. By prioritizing responsible AI development and sharing insights, we can stand against the rising tide of cyber threats.