About Indian Cyber Security Solutions
The Cyber Security scenario had changed dramatically in India in the recent past where ICSS as an organization caters to the need for technology-based risk management & cyber security solution in India. By this time it has gathered a good deal of momentum and has reached a distinguished position out of the leading firms in this domain in the country. About ICSS, we provide all sorts of solutions to our clients & protect them from the manifold of cyber-attacks they are exposed to in their day-to-day activities. The Cyber Security Scenario in India has witnessed a high demand for cyber security to protect from cyber threats.
We assure them an all-round shield against data theft, security breaches, hacking, network vulnerability, virus attacks, system compromise, frauds, etc. through our expertise solution package of cyber security audit & assurance, I.T. service management, information security, and business technology advisory. We have designed & devised a plethora of cyber security solution services taking into account the needs of the hour in the present context.
We build up B2C relationships not only in producing solution package but also by creating a long-standing support system through our talented and dynamic professionals who are committed to the cause. We assure all-round cyber security solutions to our clients in risk management and ensure their protection vise-a-vise optimal sustainable performance. We are working for the last decade with professionally certified ethical hackers & ISO 27001 Auditors.
Our expertise lies in WAPT (Web Application Penetration Testing), NPT(Network Penetration Testing), Android App Penetration Testing, Hack Proof website development, White Hat Digital Marketing to rank high in search engines, Source code review for Android Application and Web site, secure Android App Development for businesses and Digital Forensics and Data Recovery services to corporate houses and government agencies to track cyber criminals.
Our Achievement

Management Team :
He has 8 Years of total experience in the field of cyber security and cyber threat monitoring, ISMS 27001 Lead Auditor. 5 Years of total experience in working closely with cyber cell kolkata (India) in solving cybercrime. Had been covered in DD National, News18 in solving cybercrime cases.
He heads the financial team of ICSS. With around 15 years of IT and Financial experiencs in fundraising and corporate legle matters, his experience has helped ICSS to nove on to the next level.
She heads the Human Resourse team of ICSS. With around 5 years of Human management experience in the field of social welfare, She is also the President of an NGO – Team Uphaar.
Our Mission
Indian Cyber Security Solutions is a unit of Green Fellow IT Security Solutions Pvt Ltd rising platform with a mission to provide all possible cyber security solutions from large corporate companies to new emerging ones regardless of their sizes & kinds.
The aim is to squeeze out sensitive information about your company thereby damaging your business and putting your company’s reputation at peril. In all these circumstances it is of utmost importance to have a solid and powerful line of defence against these cyber attacks and threats which may come in any form & from any source (network, applications, devices) resulting in violation of data integrity, network vulnerability, system compromise, Denial or Interruption of Services (DoS) attack, viruses & Trojan attacks, etc.
Protecting corporate agencies, companies & organizations from these threats is the fundamental work that we are focused upon. In a nutshell, our main mission
is to ensure that your data remains absolutely protected, safe, and devoid of any unauthorized access from hackers and/or intruders.
So, as a cyber security solution provider, we aim to utilize our vast long experience and knowledge in the field by executing the exposure that we have gained over all these years. As a part of our mission, the onus is on us to assure uninterrupted flawless services & maintenance to your company with which you can facilitate your business confidently without having to bother about the hovering, critical, and the ever so delicate aspect of security. And when your customers are satisfied and your business runs swiftly we consider it as our own achievement taking pride in the fact that our mission is accomplished.
Vision :
The vision lies not only in guarding against the security concerns of these highly technical oriented companies but also in making India, rather Digital India be more precise hack proof by our constant endeavour. With this broad vision in view, we are striving forward leaving no stone unturned to prepare the ground for a safe and secure cyber world so that the succeeding generation is free from the scourge of cybercrime and criminals. Our vision also encompasses dispersing the awareness of cyber crime vise-a-vise its security as we believe that it is owing to ignorance and negligence that cyber security has undergone a shattering blow in the present
I.T. world scenario.
Cyber Security Scenario in India
Silicon Valley-based TaaSera said India, host to some of the world’s biggest IT service companies, was vulnerable to cyber crimes on account of its growing economic progress. Increasing smartphone use, online transactions, and the government’s “Digital India” initiative are opening up opportunities in an industry that is worth $77 billion globally. The number of cybercrimes in India may reach 300,000 in 2015, almost double the level of last year, according to an ASSOCHAM-Mahindra SSG study conducted this year. That compares better than the number of reported instances in developed nations. A PWC study of 2014 said the average number of security incidents detected in each of the 500 organizationsthey surveyed in 2013 was 135 about per organization.
However, industry experts say the number of crimes reported in India is not a good measure for comparison, given the absence of disclosure laws. “The point is India does not have public disclosure as law, unlike in the United States and many parts of the western world,” said RanndeepChonker, director of global solutions at FireEye. “A lot of information about such breaches gets swept under the carpet. ”US-based FireEye Inc, which works with both the government and companies, said it was on track to spend $50 million on its India R & D center for the five years to 2018. “The amount of breaches in the western world is maybe two times,
or three times, of that in India. But India is the IT back office of the world. If that image suffers, of our capabilities of IT and ITES, there’s a lot to lose,” Chonker said. The global IT security market is estimated to be worth $77 billion in 2015 and growing at more than 8 percent annually, according to the Indian industry body NASSCOM. The group recently tied up with security company Symantec Corp to train Indians to deal with cyber threats. They want to increase the number of
trained cyber security professionals in the country to a million from 63,200. Refer to NDTV News for more details.

Go for an I.T. Security Audit for your Company
Information technology security audit is a methodical & coherent assessment of the information security in an organization. It is of three types-
i) physical
ii) technical
iii) administrative.
Protection of important data or information against breach, deletion, or damage is called security. The protection of these assets is achieved through a series of safeguards such as physical security measures, user identifiers, passwords, smart cards, biometric, firewalls, etc. The objective of cyber security lies in ensuring the availability, privacy, and integration of information systems besides providing the fundamental work
of protection of information.
Availability, confidentiality, and integrity are the three main pillars of any organization’s security objective which when followed forms a complete and secured package. Organizations depend on timely, accurate, complete, valid, consistent, relevant, and reliable information and the management has to ensure that the organization provides all users with a secure information systems environment conducive to work in. In this I.T. environment, there are many direct and indirect risks related to information systems.
These risks are nothing but a gap due to widespread use of technology, the interconnectivity of systems, elimination of distance, time and space as constraints, high degree of technological changes, devolution of management and control, the attractiveness of conducting electronic attacks over more conventional & stereotyped
physical attacks against organizations & finally external factors such as legislative, legal, regulatory requirements or technological developments.
The purpose of the audit policy is to provide the guidelines to the audit team to conduct an audit on IT based infrastructure system and to protect the entire system from the security threats.
These Cyber Security threats are :
Access to confidential data.
- Unauthorized access of the department computers.
- Password disclosure compromise.
- Virus infection.
- Denial of service attacks.
- Open ports, which may be accessed from outsiders
An Information technology security audit is conducted to :
- Safeguard the Information System Assets/Resources.
- Maintain the Data Integrity.
- Maintain the System Effectiveness.
- Ensure System Efficiency.
- Compliance with Information System related policies, guidelines, circulars.
The audited systems are as under :
- Network vulnerabilities Controls.
- Interception Controls.
- Availability controls and Access/entry point controls
- Encryption and I.T. audit Logical security audit
Scope of I.T. Security
The scope of the I.T. security audit should be related to the examination and evaluation of the adequacy of the system and the effectiveness of the internal control and the quality of performance by the information system. It will also include the internal control systems for the use and protection of information and theinformation system such as data, application system, technology, facilities, and people.
The scope of the I.T. security audit should also cover the below mentioned aspects:
- Goals and objectives for information system activities.
- Assessment of the risks associated with the use of the information systems and approach to managing those risks.
- Information Security budgets and reviewing variances.
- High level policies for information system use and the protection and monitoring of compliance with these policies.
- Acquisitions of major systems and decisions on implementation. Impact of external influences on information system such as internet, the merger of suppliers or liquidation, etc.
- Business Continuity Planning, Testing, and the test results.
- Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Why Choose Indian Cyber Security Solutions (ICSS) ?
We at Indian Cyber Security Solutions take your business personally. Our competent and talented pool of experts are single-mindedly committed to the work they are assigned. They always believe that there is room for improvement and never take things for granted. Every day more than 4, 00,000 malicious programs are being launched and our elite, unified experts with their profound knowledge and tones of experience always stay ahead of the next threat that may attack your company anytime and from anywhere. We practice in our endeavor the core values of morality, commitment, and responsibility.
The dedication of our unit to meeting the objectives of our clients is beyond question. Our experts are constantly rethinking and formulating strategies to counteract all possible cyber security issues to assure that your company is not affected by cyber attacks. Our holistic and ever active approach is something that makes us stand out from the rest. The structured and tested methodology that we use together with the best-in-breed tools makes us truly a force to reckon with who can give any security voyage the exhilaration of success.

Indian Cyber Security Solutions have the right people for the right kind of job. We follow a great work ethic which is the cornerstone of our success. Therefore, all of our services are disposed of by personnel who are experts in their respective specific domain and are both keen as well as totally equipped to accept any challenges that may come their way during the course of their work. We grasp very well and quickly the unique need(s) of every company thereby customizing our work accordingly.
ndian Cyber Security Solutions have the right people for the right kind of job. We follow a great work ethic which is the cornerstone of our success. Therefore, all of our services are disposed of by personnel who are experts in their respective specific domain and are both keen as well as totally equipped to accept any challenges that may come their way during the course of their work. We grasp very well and quickly the unique need(s) of every company thereby customizing our work accordingly.
Apart from giving protection and support to corporate companies and other various organizations we also take an equal and proactive interest in serving the nation by tracking cyber criminal activities which we consider an integral part of our motto as well. We propose to be one of the trusted names in the industry & are producing exceptional results already.