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Cloud Security Service Provider in India – Penetration Testing Service by ICSS

Cloud security service provider in India is what enterprises are looking for as moving your infrastructure to the cloud can create security problems. Indian Cyber Security Solutions cloud penetration testing services helps to identifies vulnerabilities in your cloud infrastructure and guides you on how to improve your cloud security posture. ICSS cloud security as a service aims at providing security assessments & consulting services that can guide you through the security hazards of cloud adoption. In-depth approach of our security team will help the enterprise to understand the security posture of the organizations cloud infrastructure hosted on platforms like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud.

Toll FREE: 1800-123-500014

+91 8972107846 | 9831318312

Indian Cyber Security Solutions have been acknowledged as one of the top 20 tech brands in India for 2021 - Indian Cyber Security Solutions

Indian Cyber Security Solutions has been acknowledged as one of the leading Top 20 Tech brands in India for 2021 by Business Connect India

ICSS Cloud Security Program

Indian Cyber Security Solutions cloud security program that we propose to clients seeks to address these challenges where as ensuring that businesses do not perceive security as a bottleneck.


  • Understand the current computing landscape of the enterprise
  • Understand the digital transformation roadmap
  • Analyze through the use nof tools and interviews the extent of Shadow IT within the enterprise
  • Understand the legal regulatory environment that impacts security and compliance requirements 


  • Create a cloud security policy that lays down the rules for cloud adoption by the business
  • Evangelize the policy highlighting the risks and benefits of cloud computing
  • Create a cloud risk assessment framework for different cloud computing models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
  • Design secure data transfer, cloud connectivity, and secure access solutions for cloud computing
  • Implement security monitoring and continuous auditing mechanisms for cloud environments


  • Implement a managed services security program that addresses the cloud computing environment of the client
  • Continuous or periodic vulnerability assessments
  • Continuous security monitoring and incident response
  • Implementation of DevSecOps for application security
  • Designing and implementing a cloud security metrics program

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Brands that Trust our Competencies

Why Choose us ?


70% of the project cost will be paid back to the client if any cybersecurity incident is recorded & proved on the same scope of work where ICSS had performed the VAPT.

VA & PT –

ICSS performs both VA- Vulnerability Assessment and PT- Penetration Testing for all clients.


This agreement states that if any critical data of the client is exposed, tempered or used for any promotional activity without any written consent of the client, ICSS will be held responsible and can be sued in the court of law. ICSS singes NDA with every client before the audit / VAPT.

ZERO-False Positive Report –

ICSS provides manual-based testing along with tool-based testing which reduces the false positive report to maximize accurate identification of critical level vulnerabilities.

How ICSS can make your cloud infrastructure secure ?

Indian Cyber Security Solutions team focuses on providing the most enhanced vulnerability assessment and penetration testing service for various cloud platforms. With in-depth penetration testing and reporting the vulnerabilities according to the criticalities. ICSS aims at providing the best solutions to the clients technical team making the cloud infrastructure security more convenient for the organization.

“Company having SQL injection vulnerability in their website purchases Firewall from the market cannot prevent them from being compromised” — Abhishek Mitra (Managing Director & CEO)

Cloud Penetration Testing Services by ICSS provides in-depth risk analysis and threat mitigation

Cloud penetration testing services highlights are as follows: 

ICSS as the leading cloud security service provider in India provides enough knowledge to the clients cloud management team about fixing the vulnerabilities and awareness on secure cloud practices, apart from testing & finding vulnerabilities in cloud platform of clients

Our cloud security engineers demonstrate a continuous commitment to the security of all our clients’ critical assets

Cloud applications would be assessed based on different categories’ of applications work flow and business layers.

ICSS range of assessment approaches closely aligned with cloud security standards. 

Cloud Penetration Testing Services

Cloud penetration tests are often the only way to be 100% sure a system is as robust as its methodologies claim. Indian Cyber Security Solutions offers a suite of cloud penetration testing services options to identify vulnerabilities and ensure that patches are providing the protection you require.

Security experts can highlight the weaknesses that exist in current deployments and provide a full plan of attack for resolving issues and maintaining security, with multiple avenues for cloud Penetration Tests to prepare for multiple intrusion attempts and harden your security where needed.

Ask us today for a complete cloud vulnerability assessment to review your services, your servers and the applications you use. It’s time to remove any gaps that could be putting you at risk right now. 

Benefits of Cloud Security Test

Get real time technical insight in your cloud application security

Discover the most vulnerable way through which applications hosted in the cloud could be compromised / hacked.

Finding out and identifying any loopholes that could lead to the theft of any critical data from the cloud based application. 

Provides improved identity and access control for cloud architecture

Cloud Security as a Service – An approach towards Penetration Testing

Cloud Security as a service by Indian Cyber Security Solutions providing penetration testing on the applications hosted on the clouds and providing real time threat mapping and mitigation. The growth of cloud has led to some interesting angles on pen testing. Cloud-based applications need to be pen tested, as do their on premises counterparts. However, pen testing applications that run in public clouds come with some complexities you must deal with, including legal and technical obstacles. To help address the challenges, here are five steps on how to approach cloud-based pen testing. Selecting the best cloud security service provider in India can be made depending on the following.

Understand The Policies Of The Cloud Provider

Putting private clouds aside for now, public clouds have policies related to pen testing. In many cases, you must notify the provider that you’re carrying out a test, and it puts restrictions on what you can actually do during the pen-testing process. So, if you have an application that runs on a public cloud and would like to pen test it, you’ll need to do some research first regarding the process your cloud provider recommends. Not following that process could lead to trouble. For instance, your pen test will look a lot like a DDoS attack, and it may shut down your account.

All cloud providers proactively monitor their infrastructure for anomalies. In some cases, humans may give you a call to find out what’s up. In most cases, cloud service providers have automated procedures in place that shut down the system without warning when it perceives a DDoS attack. You could come into the office the next day and find that your cloud-delivered storage systems, databases, and applications are offline, and you’ll have some explaining to do to get them back up and running.

Another problem is that of being a noisy neighbor: Your pen test could take up so many resources that it affects the others on the cloud. Public clouds are multitenant and therefore must manage resources between tenants. If your pen test saturates the system, you may get an angry call from your cloud provider asking you to knock it off, or again, it could just shut down your account.

Cloud Provider (AWS) Pen Testing

So you’ve been thinking about getting a Penetration Test done on your AWS environment. Great! What should that involve exactly though? There are many options available and knowing what you need will help you make your often limited security budget go as far as possible. 

Broadly, there are four key focus areas for most penetration tests involving AWS:

Your externally accessible cloud infrastructure

Your externally accessible cloud infrastructure

Your internal cloud infrastructure

Your AWS configuration itself

External Infrastructure:

The good news here is that by default AWS does its best to help you stay fairly secure. For example, the default “launch-wizard-#” security groups don’t let your EC2 instances receive communication from the outside world, unless you actively specify it by adding additional rules. That said, AWS still allows you plenty of rope to hang yourself with if you‘re not careful. Classic mistakes like engineering teams changing security groups to allow all inbound access is still a problem, and the nature of DevOps means services can be coming up and down on a regular basis, not always in the knowledge of team managers.

Put simply though, there is no easier way for a hacker to compromise you than finding a simple security weakness in your internet-facing infrastructure that has been overlooked, whether that’s an exposed database, or software with known vulnerabilities. This gives attackers the maximum payoff, for the minimum effort, and so the likelihood of this happening is the highest — therefore should be your first port of call to fix. Typically though, these types of weaknesses can be picked up easily by a vulnerability scanner, and due to the changing nature of your environment (and the new vulnerabilities being released daily); are more suited to ongoing checks than they are a penetration test, which is typically conducted only once or twice a year. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions out there, and you should definitely be using these prior to even considering a penetration test, or you’ll be paying someone to tell you something you could already have known.

As it’s your most exposed attack surface though, you probably wouldn’t want to remove your external infrastructure from the scope of any pen-test, but you shouldn’t assign a large proportion of your budget to it if possible, and don’t expect to see many results beyond what you’ve come to expect from your vulnerability scanning tools.

Web Application: 

Many companies who are using AWS will be using it for hosting some kind of web application(s) for their customers, employees, or partners. And as web applications are designed to be exposed by their nature, they grant attackers the second easiest way into your systems — if not developed securely. This makes them the second most important attack surface after your external infrastructure. Examples of such attacks include the famous TalkTalk hack, where a 17-year-old customer managed to find his way into their customer database and extract millions of records.

Always consider the impact and likelihood of an attack at this layer. Whether your application is fully accessible to the public, or to a limited set of customers only should factor into your decision making. Applications with “free trials” for example would allow an attacker to sign up and start having a go. B2B services for paying customers/partners may have a lower threat profile, although still not negligible, and apps for employees lower still. On the other hand, some applications contain such sensitive information the impact may seriously outweigh the likelihood. So depending on the risk profile of your application, you may find that if you can only afford penetration testers to do a few days work, this is highly likely where you should be looking to spend their time. While automated tools exist for this type of testing, and can be useful to cover the gap between penetration tests, nothing on the market today can replace the quality of a human tester who will understand the business logic of your application, and look for ways to impact it.

Internal Infrastructure

The next layer of attack is the infrastructure your application is built on. Having covered off the external infrastructure, the internal side is only accessible if an attacker already has breached your defences in some way. So the threat profile here is secondary to the previous two. Old-school penetration tests of data centers or corporate networks often revolve around gaining a foothold, then “pivoting” from one system to another, eventually leading to full-blown compromise of administrator accounts or key systems.

This is where AWS environments can differ from more traditional penetration tests though, as the software-defined nature of AWS networks often mean that tighter controls are maintained between networks, and lateral movement is a challenge. For example, once again, the default “launch-wizard #” security groups don’t let your EC2 instances talk to each other unless you actively specify it by adding them to a VPC or by adding additional rules. However, all but the most simple of AWS accounts get away with such simple configurations, and as shown in the recent Capital One breach, it is possible for attackers to compromise IAM role credentials and use those to access resources.

Additionally, the baked-in access and security controls in AWS mean that you’re far less likely to have created environment-wide “administrator” accounts that can be compromised via any of your EC2 instances. It’s more likely that you’re using privileged AWS accounts to do this, and so an AWS Configuration Review can add much more value than an “internal” infrastructure test. Similarly, while unpatched software and insecure services on internal systems can be an issue, it depends to what extent you’ve created private networks in your AWS environment, and what systems can access what others. The more complexity you have, the more an internal pentest may add value. If you’re simply running a handful of EC2’s each with their own security group, you may want to skip a traditional “internal” pen-test, and consider a config review instead.

AWS Configuration

As mentioned, out of the box AWS does a lot for you in terms of security, but an AWS config review can tell you if you’ve set things up in a robust way. Classic examples of poor AWS config are the exposed S3 buckets you often hear of, but can also include things like admin accounts with too many users being able to access them.

Once again, this can often descend into paying someone to tell you what you already know (or could easily have found out), so it could be well worth trying out some free tools before you commission a pen-test (a quick google throws up a variety of options), as the methodology is likely the same and you may find you have to answer a lot of questions you could have just answered yourself anyway. If though you’re not confident in the security stakes, or for compliance reasons need a third-party audit, then feel free to get in touch with one of our cyber-security specialists to discuss what we can do to help.

Cloud provider (AZURE) Pen testing:

Azure is an ever-evolving set of cloud-based services from Microsoft, designed to provide businesses with a secure global environment for all of their workload and computing needs. It even allows them to scale out, scale up and scale down as their requirements demand. While it is Microsoft’s duty to maintain this secure infrastructure and all of its configurations against cyber attacks, your company remains responsible for protecting your own hardware, website and software applications and documents from threats. Azure penetration testing enables you to benefit from many of the advantages of traditional penetration tests while remaining in compliance with Microsoft’s requirements. 

Built-in Azure Security Features:

Azure is an ever-evolving set of cloud-based services from Microsoft, designed to provide businesses with a secure global environment for all of their workload and computing needs. It even allows them to scale out, scale up and scale down as their requirements demand. While it is Microsoft’s duty to maintain this secure infrastructure and all of its configurations against cyber attacks, your company remains responsible for protecting your own hardware, website and software applications and documents from threats. Azure penetration testing enables you to benefit from many of the advantages of traditional penetration tests while remaining in compliance with Microsoft’s requirements. 

Unified Rules of Engagement for Azure Penetration Testing

Microsoft has set forth a number of protocols that you must follow if you choose to conduct Azure penetration testing. The goal is to allow you to assess the security of the cloud-based services that Microsoft is hosting for you without negatively impacting any other customers running applications on the service. Should you encounter a computer security vulnerability, you must report it to Microsoft within 24 hours. As of June 15, 2017, you are no longer required to notify Microsoft that you will be performing an Azure penetration test. However, you are still prohibited from the following activities during your test:

Scanning or testing assets belonging to others;

Obtaining access to data that you do not own

Mounting a denial of service attack;

Performing network intensive fuzzing toward any other machine besides your own Azure virtual machine;

Conducting automated penetration testing that results in high traffic volume;

Surpassing “proof of concept” repro steps

Protect Your Web Application and Cloud Assets Today

Safeguarding your proprietary content that lies within the Azure platform while remaining in compliance with Microsoft’s policies is both crucial and challenging. That is why many organizations choose to do their research and become a customer of a penetration testing firm. Professionals with credentials in this constantly evolving field have expertise in the complex set of best practices and compliance requirements in the Azure ecosystem and can contribute this knowledge to your IT team throughout every step of the penetration test engagement. To open a dialogue with these testing professionals, all that is required is that you complete a simple online form. You will soon be contacted by a customer care representative who can provide you with an introduction to the available services and can help you to set up an account as well. 

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